Groupe Vocal Choraveil Musique vocale sacrée

About us

Groupe Vocal Choraveil

In 1994, our choir was founded by Sylvie Cuchin in Draveil, near Paris, France. Since then, the group has been dedicating to discovering and working on sacred music. Our repertoire extends from the 14th to the 21st century, from Josquin des Prez to Knut Nystedt…

Whereas a current trend makes most choirs set up great orchestra-accompanied pieces, Choraveil has chosen a distinct path, leading to rediscovering the beauty and the pleasure of the a capella singing in a more intimist repertoire.

Forgotten or unknown works are our favourite targets, as we consider that vocal heritage will be a permanent richness as long as “amateurs”, in the etymological meaning of “those who love something”, make it stay alive.

However, cooperating with an organist, an instrumental ensemble or a small orchestra is a welcomed option, depending on the repertoire selected.

The members of this group are all amateur singers, moved by the desire to sing within a small ensemble (20 to 26 people maximum), most of them having a strong background in choral singing. It is also proposed to any willing chorister who has certain vocal abilities to work on solo parts or a smaller ensemble repertoire (with 4 to 8 singers) during additional rehearsals. To join this subgroup, it is actually required to read music and to learn the pieces before the rehearsals.

Choraveil has often performed in Ile-de-France and toured Burgundy in 2000 and Vendée in 2013. The group has already recorded two CDs (2002, 2006).

Besides many motets and sacred a capella pieces by Guerrero, Byrd, Victoria, Mendelssohn, Reger, Rheinberger, Desenclos, Sissask, Busto, Nystedt, Manneke, Gorecki, Lauridsen, etc., some works among the most outstanding can be named :

  • Litany of Our Lady by Paolo Lorenzani,
  • Psalm 100 by Heinrich Schütz,
  • Beatus Vir by Claudio Monteverdi,
  • Mass in G by Antonio Caldara,
  • Te Deum for double choir and Laetatus sum by Domenico Scarlatti,
  • Das neugebor'ne Kindelein by Dietrich Buxtehude
  • Magnificat by Dietrich Buxtehude.

Nos actualités

Forum des associations 2024

3 septembre 2024

Forum des associations 2024

Retrouvez-nous ce samedi 7 septembre au forum des associations de Draveil. Il aura lieu de 10h à 18h sur le site du COSEC, 59 rue Ferdinand Buisson. Pour plus d’informations :...

En septembre, Choraveil recrute !

25 juillet 2024

En septembre, Choraveil recrute !

Vous aimez chanter essentiellement a capella... Vous avez déjà une expérience de chœur et avez envie de rejoindre un ensemble de petit effectif où chaque voix compte ? Vous avez envie...

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